Progress in Massachusetts

14 10 2010

5 new SEANET beaches in northern MA!

Thanks in large part to the legacy of our summer intern, Sarabeth, SEANET continues to add new volunteers in our own backyard here in Massachusetts. While our coverage on Cape Cod and along Buzzard’s Bay have historically been good, we have had a serious dearth of beaches on the north and south shores of Massachusetts, only 40 miles or so from SEANET central in Grafton, MA. Now, we are slowly but steadily rectifying that.

This Monday, October 18th, our own Julie Ellis will continue working on our Massachusetts campaign. She will be presenting to the Eight Towns and the Bay Committee, a Local Governance Committee of the Upper North Shore of Massachusetts. Julie will be presenting to the Committee’s representatives, who will in turn take the information back to their membership. We hope to gain a number of new Seanetters from the interaction.


Finally today, I wish to share a brief story submitted on our database by Seanetter Diana Gaumond on Cape Cod. I was struck by its absurdity and thank Diana for verbally sketching this comical scene:

“We came upon a wedding in progress – about 50 people, with a harpist trying to compete with a sea gull cacophony. Best wishes to Amanda and David!”



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