The field guides are finished!

7 11 2014

SEGuideFrontCoverIt is with no small degree of personal pride that I officially announce the completion of the Field Guide to Beached Birds of the Southeastern United States by me, Sarah Courchesne. Of our initial print run of 720 books, 500 will go directly to our funder, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, for distribution to biologists and other folks both in that agency and with National Parks, or NOAA, or USDA or what have you. John Stanton will be deciding which lucky guys and gals get those. The remainder will be for us here at SEANET to decide. What I would like to offer is first dibs to any Seanetter who has put in at least a year of beach walks. You need not live in the southeast, but should I get inundated by requests, precedence will go to the southern contingent. For those who qualify, I will ask only that you pay for the shipping. Please contact me if you are one such SEANET veteran interested in a guide, and I will give you specifics on how to order it.

Once I have distributed those, I will offer up the remaining books as thank you gifts to anyone who makes a $30 or more donation to SEANET. Could there be a better Christmas gift, I ask you? I think not.

Thanks to everyone for their tolerance and forbearance over the course of this multi-year project, and I hope you all enjoy the finished product. Many, if not most, of the photos in the guide were submitted by you folks, so don’t be surprised to open up the book and see your own name, whether you actually walk in the southeast or not!



8 responses

8 11 2014
Mary Myers

Congratulations, Sarah !!!!!

Not to be greedy, but I would love to put in a request for your new guide. I’ve been SEANETTING since the last ice age. If this is okay with you?

Thank you !!


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10 11 2014

Absolutely Mary! It is most well deserved!

11 11 2014
Dennis Minsky

I, too, would greatly appreciate the new field guide…just because. If I am deemed worthy I will gladly defray any and all costs. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Dennis Minsky

20 11 2014
Diana Gaumond

Hi Sarah,
I would like to join my colleagues in requesting a copy of the new field guide. It looks to be of a similar high quality as the older guide, which is most useful. I would much appreciate being allocated a copy, and will happily pay related costs.
Thank you,

20 11 2014

You bet! Look for a PayPal money request for the amount required to cover shipping!

4 07 2015
Mark Bennett

Hello Sarah,
Would it be possible to obtain the new field guide to a UK seanetter. I will of course pay for shipping and make a good donation to the remarkable work achieved so far!
Maybe I could start one here.

Kind regards, Mark

22 04 2016
Ally Valladares

Is it still possible to get one of these guides? I work for the Nature Program on Kiawah Island in SC, and this would be a great addition to our Naturalist library!

28 04 2016

Absolutely! Want a whole box? They’re free (you can donate a little money our way to cover shipping if you like, but the books themselves are gratis)!

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